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Mike and Vickie Ruble Memorial Scholarship

Administered by the Farmington Educational Foundation

The Mike and Vickie Ruble Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship awarded to a Farmington High School graduate who plans to major in teacher education.  Mike and Vickie Ruble spent their entire careers as teachers and coaches in Dent and Reynolds Counties.  They taught for a total of 62 years combined.  Mike (Coach) coached high school and middle school basketball and volleyball for 25 years while teaching physical education and health.  Vickie taught for 37 years as an elementary and middle school teacher and served as cheerleading sponsor.  Both were loved for their commitment and exemplary service to the Northwood R-4 School District in Dent County, where they spent a majority of their careers.  After retirement, both were inducted into the Dent County Teachers’ Hall of Fame in 2010.  Coach Ruble had the gymnasium and basketball court at Northwood R-4 named after him during a ceremony in 2015.  This scholarship is given by their two children, Matt Ruble and Morgan Ruble Lucas, who have both followed in their parents’ footsteps and become teachers and coaches.  Their intent is to support their parents' legacy and assist students as they pursue their dreams of becoming educators and thus positively impacting and shaping student lives.




  1. Applicant must be a graduating student of Farmington Senior High School.

  2. Applicant must have exhibited a history of hard work, diligence, and initiative and detail these attributes through letters of reference and anecdotal evidence.

  3. Applicant must be planning to major in teacher education.

  4. Applicant must exhibit financial need.  (Please do not include any personal financial data.  This may be requested at a later date.)




The following documents must be included with each application:


  1. A completed and signed application form.

  2. Write a 600-word type-written essay that focuses on the applicant’s life experiences and achievements, as well as the applicant’s aspirations for the future. A description of the financial need must be included!

  3. At least two (2) but not more that four (4) written recommendations, half of which are from a Farmington High School faculty or staff member.

  4. The most recent official High School transcript.


An interview with the applicant may be requested.  Applicant will be notified if an interview is desired.   If no suitable applicant is found, the scholarship committee may choose to not present a scholarship.


Disposition of Scholarship Award Money


  1. The monetary award will either be sent directly to the scholarship winner or to the recipient’s college or vocational technical school.  This will solely be a decision of the scholarship committee.  The scholarship funds must be used for direct expenses incurred while attending either of these post-secondary institutions full time.  Any use of funds not used in this manner must be reimbursed, in full, to the Farmington Educational Foundation. Eligible expenses are tuition, books, fees, and supplies needed for class work.

  2. Prior to dispersing this money, the scholarship committee or the Executive Director must receive evidence that the student has enrolled full time.

  3. Awards will be dispersed in one lump sum prior to the fall semester of the student’s first year at college.

  4. The student is required to notify the Farmington Educational Foundation in the event the student leaves school, reduces the number of credit hours to part time, or any other non-compliance to either the intent of this scholarship program or its expressed requirements.  Student will reimburse the Farmington Educational Foundation for any funds received for the semester affected.

  5. Student, by accepting the scholarship funds, agrees to reimburse the Farmington Educational Foundation for any funds received but not used for purposes congruent with the intent and requirements of this scholarship program.


PO Box 1144
Farmington, MO 63640


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Created by Savannah Holm           Updated February 2025

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